Category Archives: Beep Baseball How To

What is Beep Baseball

Beep Baseball is the adapted version of the game of baseball. Played by those who are totally blind or visually impaired.

Beep baseball is played with a ball that emits a rapid beep and buzzing bases. The bases are down the first and third base lines and emit a buzzing sound so that the sound is different from the ball.

Different sections of the NBBA rule Book of beep baseball will be provided in the future demonstrating different aspects of the game. Stay tuned and learn all about beep baseball.

#TBT MNMillers in the News

In this addition of #TBT (Throw back Thursday) Sit back and close your eyes, and imagine the scene in the video that your about to play.
The date is August 7, 2014, the Minnesota Millers at the 2014 NBBA Beep Baseball World Series. Its a steamy morning, and will probably reach in to the high 80’s and low 90’s.
Oh ya, its Minnesota, maybe not.
Multiple blind athletes are about to play their favorite team sport, beep baseball.

WCCO of Minneapolis, now watch the video.

What is Beep Baseball


Spectators who witness today’s style of beep baseball are delighted and amazed. They see athletes who are visually impaired dive on to the ground to stop a beeping ball and run full speed 100 feet toward the sound of a buzzing base to score a run. They see desire, determination, teamwork and in many cases skilled performances of players with visual impairment having fun during extreme competition.

They also witness an occasional injury. Beep baseball is not a game for those who are concerned about a scraped elbow. Safety is a high priority, but due to the nature of the game, some injuries do occur. As with any sport, players know this and fully accept the injury risks for the sake of playing a sport they love.
Read the complete document “Beep Baseball In a Nutshell.”